Monday, October 27, 2014

New Comic Wednesday: Smell if you dare!

Whoever started that rumor that penguin is joker its stupid. What is this reason for creating Cobblepot if he is just going to be Joker. Sorry people, I am sure Joker will show up eventually. But he will probably only briefly show. The great thing about the Joker is he doesn't have a real origin story, so they can do whatever! Hang in there fans. I love reddit, but the redditor that suggested this idea has a wild imagination. I'm loving the riddler's character. He is so cool. 
In other news, Gotham is getting crazy! Harvey seems so much more full as a character. Also, I want to see more of Mooney's behind the scenes plan to take over. 
Also, Nightwing: the series is wonderful. Above is their Jason Todd. He is a cutie! Though, I dont imagine Deathstroke being like that. Deathstroke was heartless when his son Jericho was kidnapped. Though, i am also talking 80's right now. 
The scratch n sniff pizza smells like ramen... just saiying. Now that that's out of the way... DC had a light week and none of which I really follow. So, I picked up Harley Quinn Annual. Scents other than the smell of ink should not be in comics. Now everytime I smell ramen I will think of Harley Quinn. I shouldn't have scratched. Smells are overwhelming. 
Anyway, I always wondered what the reason for the bisexual tendencies Harley has when meeting poison Ivy. Not that you need a reason. I guess they don't have the Joker as her lover, so they won't have any man! 
I'm probably one of the only DC fan girls that dont follow Harley Quinn. I like how they are trying to make Harley her own person, but I think she is failing at that. Only cause Harley was smart, but she acted dumb because of Joker. She still acts dumb, but occasionally uses her smarts like in Injustice (the only Harley I like) and in the recent New Suicide Squad. 
Though, I will never know why Harley is so popular. I do like Poison Ivy though. Also, DC is trying to make Harley their Deadpool with breaking the fourth wall. Especially in this comic. The fourth wall is when the character directly talks or announces the precense of an audience. 
I did like how hillarious the hallucinations were. It was cute. I especially loved the art for poison Ivy's hallucinations. 
Beware the smells

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New Comic Wednesday: If at first you dont succeed, try again, Deathstroke.

Both the Nightwing YouTube series and Gotham is getting good! I love how Alfred risked his life to save Bruce! Also in Nightwing the series I love how they showed Jason's death by the Joker and how much it haunts nightwing! So tragic and emotional. I also love how theybare hinting toward a Red Hood coming soon and the person that saved Dick was Jason back from the dead! Now, Nightwing is after Deathstroke again to save a mayor! I can't wait to see the behind the scenes of this episode. When Danny Shephard (Nightwing) jumps off his apartment balcony it looks really cool as he is falling through the sky. Might as well look cool as you're about to get Deathstroke.
Speaking of Deathstroke, his RE-RE (not making him sound like a retard) boot of his comic came out today! I guess they thought he wouks be better the second time around in the new 52. It was pretty interesting and gorry, as deathstroke shoukd be. He almost gets his head chopped off and he roams the streets mindlessly trying to find help. Its crazy. The only thing about it is it starts a little slow. Lots of dialog makes the movement of the book slow, always.  I like a little bit of words and a lot of pictures. Just like children books! Ha, yes I'm a child at heart. 
Multiversity: The Just also came out. A world where it is a couple years in the future where Damien is the current Batman in a world where its too safe for multiple superheroes and a world where comics find its way from OTHER DIMENSIONS! Que the creepy music now. I love how this comic ia so dramatized... it's slightly hillarious. Everyone seems like teenagers. 

Also out this week is Arkham Manor! I haven't got a chance to read it, but you can never have enough batman according to DC.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Comic Wednesday: WE ARE FAMILY

I haven't had a chance to watch Arrow and Flash yet, but of course I am loving the drama within Gotham and the Penguin's conspiracy theory of a war. Besides Gotham,  I've been following a YouTube series of my favorite hero... drum roll please... Nightwing! It's purely fan-made and its wonderful so far. The episodes are really short,  but they come out weekly as well. The web-series has familiar comic book names like my other favorite, Jason Todd. They also have Barbara Gordon, Bruce Wayne, and Deathstroke! They borrow little things from comics, as well as having their own little creative twist.
The YouTube series is easily located if you type in "Nightwing the Series" or their YouTube name Ismahawk!

It seems the stories that you hope that will come out , monthly come out weekly instead, and the stories you want seem to take their sweet time to come to stores. I am really excited for Batman and Robin: Robin Rises. I like Damien as a Robin. A lot of people don't like him, but I think it is just a different challenge for Batman.
Now, I like how the story is bringing the Bat-Family together (except Dick Grayson :(). Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake know what's at stake here and how important Damien is. So I like how they will do almost anything to help Batman complete his family (minus dick...).
At some point, I want to know what the time line is like for all the Batman stories.  I assume the main Batman story line is after this Batman and Robin story line. I am just curious how it plays out. Batman has so much going on in his life.  Its crazy. Unless you want problems in your life,  don't be batman. The t-shirt lies!

Then there was Dr. Doom. Sorry,  i mean Loki. It was just hard to tell since I felt like it was a Dr. Doom comic most of the time.  Basically, Dr. Doom came to contain Loki, but now he kind of owes him for saving his life and Latveria. How cool is Valeria Richards by the way! She's so cute.

Also out is Trinity of Sin! Instead of getting all the misfortunate people in three different books, they are coming to one! Which is convenient.  They might as well be in the same comic.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Comic Wesneaday: Nananana... BaaAAAH!

Cant be the Justice League without our favorite justice fighter, Batman. But apparently so, since the rest of them is trying b to kill Bruce Wayne in the name of Ju-Joker? Is it some faceless Joker running the operation? Or was the Death of the Family joker really hush instead? That idea is still in my mind after someone put it in my head.  Its a possibility. 
Im really excited for this new arc in the Batman title. Expecially since Zero Year was so good. Now is it another major Batman villain going to appear, throwing the whole Justice League in his way? Just as long as it doesn't end up being Joker's Daughter. That would be a major tease.
I dont have a lot of time to read today,  projects and all, but what is also out is Earth 2 Worlds End. I guess this is the story of Earth 2 before the Futures End Story.  It has to be good. Right? That's a rule right?  Better tell Marvel that. Just kidding.  Not their fault I just end up picking up books I dont like.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Comic Wednesday: Number Freaking Ones.

Once again the comic industry knows how to take my money. I have one more book that I might put on my subscription: Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier. But if course I am gonna wait to see if I like it enough for the next few issues to keep collecting it. It's the rule to comic book readers. There are a lot of Number Ones this week so I will read as much as I can... While I am in class... Haha I know... Such a Rebel... 

But first, Gotham is getting pretty good. I'm waiting for the major WOW factor. Or a major story arc like they do in comic books. I guess next episode they will have Professor Pyg... Ugh. Out of all the villains I DO NOT like Professor Pyg. He is so creepy... Every time he appears in the comics, I cringe. I'd rather die a brutal death, then deal with Professor Pyg. 
I also can't wait to see Flash and Arrow! Especially since they are having a cross over event for their first episode. I think that's cool. I've only ever seen it in cartoons. Speaking of Flash... They have Flash Season Zero #1, which I am excited to read 

The first book I read in my subscription was Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier. Earlier, I said I might read it, but I am not 100% sure that I will be collecting it monthly. I love the scenic art, it's really nicely colored and looks like concept art for sci-fi movie scenes. Though, I don't like the character art. It's really dark, which is acceptable for Winter Soldier's character, but the faces just don't look that good to me. Good art is a big factor for me. I have stopped collecting books based on art alone. I'm not the only one that has done that, I'm sure. 
Not just that, they do a more abstract way to do panels. Though it's easy to see what quote comes first, it's hard to see who is saying what. That's just a combination of not being able to see a lot of details of the characters. There's not a lot of color, not a lot of details. It's really abstract, it's an interesting way to approach comic book writing, but I personally would avoid doing something like this when I write my own book. Half way through, the book I had to put it down... I might finish reading it later. But I'll put it down for now for my other books. 
I'm actually really disappointed that the book wasn't released earlier, nor made better. Captain America 2 was SO GOOD! Yet, they waited forever to actually release something somewhat related to him. They released Rocket Raccoon and Star Lord BEFORE guardians of the galaxy came out. And that movie itself was a gamble because no one knew who they were. In a way I understand because the Winter Soldier in the movie and the Winter Solider in the comic are significantly different and not a lot of people know that Bucky was Captain America for a bit as a good guy. Oops was that a spoiler for some people... Now you know. It's not that big of a spoiler is been around for a while.
Anyway, abstract isn't bad, I just don't personally like it. The most abstract in comics I will get is Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. It's not as abstract, but outside of the Comic book creating norms. 

Moving on, I picked up Flash Season Zero #1 because I'm excited about all the successful DC TV shows. Only if they can put this much effort in their movies my life would be perfect right now. Just one more week till we see the cutie, Barry Allen or by his real-life/human name Grant Gustin. I just wish he was blonde. Oh well, Gustin is still a cutie. I was never really a huge fan of Flash, but I love that he can time travel because of his ability to move super fast. Flashpoint was a really good animated movie, so I do not doubt that Flash the TV series can do really good. 
I like the fact that they have the comic based on his development of becoming a hero, which leaves me wondering how the first episode is going to go. It's an interesting standpoint to find out how he is feeling as he is developing his control on his powers, knowing his limits, and knowing what he must do to become a masked hero. I can't help but wonder, is this what high school was like for Barry Allen? Can't make a name for himself and can't get the girl cause she is with some douche? 

Now, the anticipated, going to at least third print, comic... Not Thor girl, not Lady Thor, just... THOR #1. In Original Sin, Thor has lost his hammer because of a whisper! After reading this comic, I can only guess what it was: "you smell like poop." Just kidding. In all honesty, I think it has to do something with R-E-S-P-E-C-T... Find out what it means to me! I lied, I can't be fully serious. With all this pro-women stuff like people saying they are ready for Hillary Clinton and something stupid about Birth control, I wouldn't be surprised that Thor has become unworthy because he doesn't respect women enough. We're just in the stage of life where equality has to be shown everywhere, including comics. Everyone in Asgard(ia) is trained in the old ways... The man being the power of the house and what not. All the men on the moon tried to lift the hammer, but couldn't. As everyone left, there was Freyja left. 
I wouldn't be surprised if she had something to do with this, or was the new Thor herself. Though, I don't know if she would hurt her son in that way. Though, I don't know how far she would go for women to be (meaning, mostly her) to be on the same level as men (her husband). Will we ever know who is the Female Thor? 
Side note. Is (marvel) Thor's birth name Thor, or do people just call him that because he was the god of thunder. I know Norse Mythology, but this isn't a myth, it's a comic based on a myth. I'm just saying it would be awkward to say Thor and they both answer... Haha. Very serious. 

Anyway, I still have comics to read, but I need to post something. If I feel like there is something important to share, I will try to post something later. I must get back to class... And read later. Also out this week are my favorite blue-eyed hunks, Grayson and Starlord, then Lobo #1 that I think my friend ComicNerdOptimist is excited about, and the start of Godhead! Until next week, or next post!