She has already been revealed as Grayson's partner, but maybe also a possible love interest too? At least, from what we know with the pre-52 Huntress and Nightwing have had their fling. So will history repeat itself... Or non-history since the DC reboot? I mean the Huntress we know is Helena Wayne in the new 52 Earth 2. Everything is confusing in the comic universe! But it's just confusing because you have to accept the New 52 as it's own storyline, but not it's own... If that makes ANY sense (I know it doesn't).
In the comic it even reveals the girls name as Helena Bertinelli. And her outfit consist of the Huntress trademark of a cross on her chest. This isn't the Helena we know! It's like blowing my mind in a bad way, like an explosion you failed to escape from because the bomb was strapped to your heart (see what I did there?). However, in the latest Batgirl issue (also out this week) the Helena we know as Huntress is with Batgirl and Black Canary with their own little fight. Will their paths meet and just create this gigantic cosmic rift that creates the new Infinite Crisis of DC?!
No. Probably not, but there will be an Infinite Crisis alone with a video game! Get your game pants ready!
But as revealed by the writer Tim Seely, it isn't the Helena or Huntress we knew before the new 52 (again accepting the new 52 as a whole seperate comic entity like the Hollywood adaptions of comic movies) that this Helena is not Huntress she just has the same name. Basically, throw all your knowledge about the Huntress out the window. It's hard, I know.
Anyway, this issue on this character is it's own little post because I believe DC just wants to confuse the heck out of people. Or just piss CJ (me) off... Either one. Anyway this tan Helena probably has more that what we can just assume from the first issue.
I will probably keep reading Grayson after I give it my five issue test not because I want to know how this organization knows certain heroes identity, but also who is this girl?!
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